The clean-up effort initiative
GIPSVG Inc., today (Sat. 5th June 2021), in an effort to aid communities north of the Rabacca River in the recovery process, handed over the following items to members of Rise-UP-OTR and Sandy Bay Community Disaster Response Team [CDRT] - two local community organisations that have been working tirelessly, volunteering and advocating in the relief effort for the people North of the Rabacca River:
25 long handle shovels, 6 round shovels [Spears], 25 Brooms 40 Buckets, 5 Wheelbarrows , 12 Cutter Mattock [pick axe] These tools which were purchased through the GIPSVG gofundme, will be set up to assist residents of the communities OTR in cleaning their homes, following the heavy ash fall and most recent mud flows from the La Soufriere eruption. |